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Controlling and Deterring Large Pests

Hello, and welcome to my blog! My name is Dee, and I hate pests. I have struggled with many pests in my home, but contrary to popular misconception, these pests have been bigger than mice or cockroaches or ants. Rather, I have had squirrels in the attic and various marsupials living under my porch. This blog is devoted to getting rid of the larger animals. It contains everything I have learned about removing and deterring these creatures. If you hate pests but want to focus on the larger pests, you have come to the right place. Please explore my blog and enjoy!

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Controlling and Deterring Large Pests

Controlling Cockroaches: 3 Easy Steps

by Katrina Alvarez

If you have a cockroach infestation, you need to take action immediately. These pests can cause a lot of damage and spread disease. This blog explains the steps you can take to get rid of cockroaches permanently. Read on to discover more!

Seal off any entry points where the cockroaches could be entering your home.

One of the most important steps in cockroach control is to seal off any entry points where the insects could be entering your home. Cockroaches are adept at squeezing through tiny cracks and crevices, so it is important to carefully inspect your property and seal off any potential entry points. For example, one place where cockroaches often enter homes is through gaps around doors and windows. Another common entry point is a cracked foundation or wall. Once you have identified and sealed all potential entry points, you can begin to focus on other aspects of cockroach control, such as traps and insecticides.

Remove any food or water that the cockroaches could be using.

Next, you need to eliminate any sources of food or water that they could be using. This means thoroughly cleaning your kitchen and ensuring there's no food left out; it doesn't matter if it's just a crumb. You should also regularly empty and clean your trash cans and ensure they have tight-fitting lids. Cockroaches will head towards moisture, so you should also repair any leaky pipes or fixtures and make sure your counters and sinks are clean and dry. Taking these actions will make it difficult for cockroaches to thrive in your home.

Apply an insecticide to the areas where the cockroaches are congregating.

Roaches can be challenging to destroy and remove once they take up residence in your home. A fantastic way to fight a roach infestation is to apply an insecticide to the areas where the cockroaches are congregating. This will kill any roaches that come into contact with the insecticide, and it will also help to deter other bugs from taking up residence in your home. However, it is vital to use an insecticide specifically designed to kill cockroaches, as many general-purpose insecticides will not be effective against these pests. If you have a roach problem, ask your local hardware store or pest control professional for recommendations on which insecticide to use.

For more information and advice, contact a pest control service today. A contractor will be happy to help. 
