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Controlling and Deterring Large Pests

Hello, and welcome to my blog! My name is Dee, and I hate pests. I have struggled with many pests in my home, but contrary to popular misconception, these pests have been bigger than mice or cockroaches or ants. Rather, I have had squirrels in the attic and various marsupials living under my porch. This blog is devoted to getting rid of the larger animals. It contains everything I have learned about removing and deterring these creatures. If you hate pests but want to focus on the larger pests, you have come to the right place. Please explore my blog and enjoy!

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Controlling and Deterring Large Pests

Understanding Flea Control

by Katrina Alvarez

It can be daunting and expensive to do flea control in your home. Unlike the majority of household pests, fleas bite not only pets but humans as well. Their bites could cause itching and irritation, and they could transmit tapeworms and other infections. Do not ignore the early signs because infestations can go out of control just like that. Eradication of fleas involves treating the premises and even your pets. In order for you to deal with the problem on a better level, you should have more knowledge about flea control.

You Should Go to the Source

The majority of flea infestations come from pets. There is a chance that your pet caught fleas while they were playing in the yard or with other animals. The first thing you have to do is to treat the source so the flea control will work. There is no sense in treating your home if your pet will keep having fleas.

You should also find out if the fleas are coming from you even if you think it cannot happen. If you do not have pets, but there are fleas in your home, chances are a human being is the source. It is better to do flea control before it spreads.


You should vacuum the carpet, pet beds and upholstered furniture a couple of times weekly to reduce the flea population. Using a vacuum cleaner that has a strong suction can get rid of flea eggs and even adults from carpets and rugs. Attach the extension of your vacuum to reach under the furniture and on baseboards and carpet corners. Once you are done vacuuming, get rid of the bag or rinse the canister. If you do not, flea eggs could hatch in the vacuum, which could cause an infestation in your home.

Applying Insecticide

You should always follow the instructions that are written on the container. A lot of different products can be bought for flea control purposes. The effective ones have permethrin, dinotefuran or imidacloprid. They are lethal to the adult fleas that bite. They also contain insect growth regulator, which stops the growth of eggs and larvae. Households would have to check what the active ingredient is in the product to find out if these are included. Apply it thoroughly and include areas where fleas are likely to develop.

With this information, you will have a better understanding of flea control in your premises and how to prevent it from happening again. Visit websites like http://stewartspestcontrol.com.au for more information and advice.
