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Controlling and Deterring Large Pests

Hello, and welcome to my blog! My name is Dee, and I hate pests. I have struggled with many pests in my home, but contrary to popular misconception, these pests have been bigger than mice or cockroaches or ants. Rather, I have had squirrels in the attic and various marsupials living under my porch. This blog is devoted to getting rid of the larger animals. It contains everything I have learned about removing and deterring these creatures. If you hate pests but want to focus on the larger pests, you have come to the right place. Please explore my blog and enjoy!

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Controlling and Deterring Large Pests

3 Preventive Ways to Keep the Cockroaches at Bay

by Katrina Alvarez

Cockroaches are a real nuisance in any home and need to be gotten rid of as soon as possible. It is easier to prevent a cockroach infestation than managing them in your home. Pest control is a good way to prevent a cockroach infestation in your home, but you can employ some strategies to keep them away from your home altogether. Here they are:

Make Sure You Never Leave Food Sources Lying Around

Preventing cockroaches from infesting your home means you need to ensure that you never leave food sources lying around. This requires a good deal of hard work and diligence. For example, after cooking on a stove, make sure you completely remove any food spills and grease from around it because cockroaches are attracted to these sources. You'll also want to avoid consuming food in multiple rooms in your home because unnoticed crumbs also attract roaches. If you're using the microwave, make sure you give it a good wipe down because cockroaches may be able to get to any food left inside.

Vacuum High Traffic Food Areas Like Kitchens & Dining Rooms Regularly

 You probably use your kitchen and dining room most when it comes to preparing and eating food. If you leave your any food lying around, cockroaches will ultimately find it and cause an infestation in your home. Vacuum your dining room and kitchen floors every night before you go to bed to reduce the chances of cockroaches feasting on any leftover food, and prevent them from getting into your home altogether. Make sure you mop the floors every once in a while too so you eliminate the smell of food on them. Sanitation is a good part of roach prevention – make sure you vacuum other areas of your home regularly too.

Make Sure Your Rubbish Bin Is Always Closed

You'll also want to make sure the rubbish bins in your home are always closed with tight-fitting lids to prevent cockroaches from getting into the house. If you have a separate green waste bin for food, take it out every night so no food is left over in your home. For rubbish bins outside your property, keep them as clean as possible and try to move them away from your walls to stop cockroaches from getting into your home.

Preventing cockroaches from getting into your home should be part of your pest management strategy. Make sure you get pest control regularly because this is the best way to keep the pests at bay.
