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Controlling and Deterring Large Pests

Hello, and welcome to my blog! My name is Dee, and I hate pests. I have struggled with many pests in my home, but contrary to popular misconception, these pests have been bigger than mice or cockroaches or ants. Rather, I have had squirrels in the attic and various marsupials living under my porch. This blog is devoted to getting rid of the larger animals. It contains everything I have learned about removing and deterring these creatures. If you hate pests but want to focus on the larger pests, you have come to the right place. Please explore my blog and enjoy!

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Controlling and Deterring Large Pests

The Return of the Rambo-Like Roaches: Why Your Roach Intruders Keep Returning

by Katrina Alvarez

Ridding yourself of a roach infestation is not something you can achieve in a day, a week— or even a month, in some cases. The scourge of kitchens around the globe, the German cockroach, is the Rambo of cockroaches. No matter how many times you squish or spray them, they just keep coming back.

If you are struggling with roaches that seem to have taken lessons on survival from John Rambo, you need to get to know your enemy a little better.

Cockroaches Were Here Before Dinosaurs

According to the experts, cockroaches had already infested Earth a few million years before the first dinosaurs showed up—over 300 million years ago! That likely makes cockroaches older than any other pest species. It also makes the human race seem like a week-old baby in terms of age and evolution.

But there is one very important advantage that cockroaches have, which has likely allowed them to outlive dinosaurs and countless other species. It is this ability that keeps them coming back to haunt you no matter how hard you try.

Roaches Can Outlast the Hardiest Human

Unlike John Rambo, a cockroach can never be a hero—not even a misunderstood one. However, in comparison to the average human, cockroaches are on a par with Marvel's superheroes. If necessary, the average human can go without water for 3-4 days—maybe 6 at a stretch—and without food for an impressive 21 days.

Humans are survivors, especially those trained as Rambo is. However, each and every cockroach, with no training necessary, can go without food for a month, and without water for 2 weeks. It is likely that this ability to go without sustenance for so long is what has allowed them to survive for millions of years. But is it possible to deprive them of water and food until they die?

Food and Water Come in Many Forms

The reason it is so hard to remove a roach infestation without professional help is that food and water come in many forms. Just like John Rambo did when he was using his survival skills in the jungle, the average cockroach can locate food and water in a number of places. For water, dishcloths, minuscule water leaks and condensation, to name just a few, will do just fine.

In terms of food, oil buildups on walls, microscopic crumbs and even the glue and paper that hold any number of packages together, will feed a cockroach until something better comes along.

Cockroaches are nature's Rambo when it comes to survival. If you are tired of trying to rid your kitchen or bathroom of these hardy survivors, it might be time for you to call in the professionals. Seek out a reputable pest control service near you to ensure that your cockroach intruders leave you and your family alone for good. 
