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Controlling and Deterring Large Pests

Hello, and welcome to my blog! My name is Dee, and I hate pests. I have struggled with many pests in my home, but contrary to popular misconception, these pests have been bigger than mice or cockroaches or ants. Rather, I have had squirrels in the attic and various marsupials living under my porch. This blog is devoted to getting rid of the larger animals. It contains everything I have learned about removing and deterring these creatures. If you hate pests but want to focus on the larger pests, you have come to the right place. Please explore my blog and enjoy!

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Controlling and Deterring Large Pests

3 Ways to Remove Fleas From Carpet

by Katrina Alvarez

As wonderful as having a pet is, one of the daily struggles of pet ownership is going head to head with fleas. Fleas love nothing more than to bury themselves into the warm fur of your pet dog or cat. The prominence of fleas can cause a whole host of problems for your pet, including tapeworm, extremely itchy and red skin, anaemia, and even a Bartonella infection, which can cause fever, diarrhoea, and seizures.

Even if you are really vigilant about cleaning fleas from the fur of your pets, these pests are spritely things that can also jump on to your carpet, where they enjoy the warm and fluffy environment. So how can you ensure that your carpet is flea free?

Invest in professional steam cleaning. If you want to make sure you get rid of all of the fleas lingering in your carpet for good, it's a good idea to lean on the talents of professionals. Professional carpet cleaners have the highest grade steaming equipment to steam your carpets clean at high temperatures. The high temperatures used in steam cleaning will immediately kill all adult fleas and larvae. If, however, there are flea eggs (which there probably are), steam cleaning will encourage these eggs to hatch. This is why it's extremely important to vacuum your carpet every day for a week after a steam clean to suck up those newly hatched fleas.

Apply insecticides to your carpet. There are also some insecticides in the marketplace that will kill the fleas living in your carpet so you can then vacuum up the dead pests after the treatment has been applied. If you are unsure as to which insecticide is appropriate for domestic use (because you wouldn't want your pet or your family to become ill as a result of the treatment), it could be worthwhile to hire pest control specialists for this task.

An all-natural solution. Bicarbonate of soda is one of those miracle ingredients that can be used in many ways around the house – to lift stains, to unblock drains, and also to kill fleas within your carpet. Liberally apply bicarbonate of soda to your carpet and leave it there between fourteen hours and two days without walking on it. Then hoover up the powder and you should find that your carpet is flea free once again.

Before, during, and after these treatments, be sure to apply anti-flea shampoo to your pets' fur so that fleas cannot be reintroduced to the carpet from their fur. 
